These days there is a lot to contend with in the world. A lot of influence , information and emotion to process . Often in these times of pressure it can be easy to lose a sense of who we are . The physical space that our own bodies occupy can be easily overwhelmed , even by people we care about / are caring for.
This workshop is an invitation to take back the ground that is sovereign to every one of us . To lay our feet on the floor and in doing so step into the piece of ground we inhabit on the earth . By exploring and practicing we can get a solid sense of ‘me here’ in this world.
When we show up in this way in the presence of another person we can explore being present and empathetic without merging into another’s experience.
This fundamental practice is the building block for healthy relating and for comprehending and maintaining our self sovereignty in perilous times.
Where do I stop ? Where do you begin ?